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Egy vámpír vallomása az életről a vérről és az emberi kapcsolatról.A szerelem megtévesztő csalfa villanásairól és minden olyan érzésről amit csak egy álom képei vetíthetnek elénk.



"In the magic of the history, I live because of the reality alone far sometimes, but my past followed through an eternal life then. The love and the hope got lost for me, even in a beautiful dreamlike world."


The beginning


  I know it very well already now, that because of the life not always we receive what we ask. Or if we obtain it not, then when there would be our most burning need for him. This is an eternal truth primarily in my past.
  My life was beginning on the front of the 18. Century sometime. English gentlemanly family with a wealth only male children's I came into the world the fifth and in one as a last offspring. My mother died, as a lot are a woman in those days in a puerperal fever following the labour. My four sisters, who were significantly more aged at me immediately my fate was taken in their hand. Child what I got from them then could not wish more care and affection what I got from them then.
  My father looked at me with hopeful pride staining, because of my birth, than onto one single of his nautical undertaking's worthy heir. More than twenty waited for a year onto me, my arrival was an enormous gift for him so. Everything looked at me with his glance so, than one became lively onto a miracle it too, that because of me, lost the only woman, who he loved once, and this one wore it down slightly, but he never made me feel this, believes I was for the hope.
  It invested all of my father's strength and his knowledge in his undertaking his activity was acknowledged even in the royal yard and it was rewarded for him worthily. I was altogether five year one at this time, but I remember him purely after all, when knight it was struck by them. All of this all family was a bright and glorious moment for him. This meant more to my father at all this. The homeland was repeating it above everything constantly.
  This in those days I did not want something else, than to follow in his footsteps, since this was made my life.

  I was his company's member with a full right already after two years and myself had to bear the weight of my decisions, I may have learned to direct my own fate soon correctly so. I needed him, because I was not nine year one yet, when my father died with tragic suddenness.
  The Indian transportation was my task totally already by that time. We lived with Emily on our Indian possession in those days with my youngest sister not in little splendor.

  Months passed by the time we discovered that our father died yet.
Wonderful India meant the home to us rather with a shock, than cool, rainy England at least for me sure. Emily never complained with a lot rather proudly though looked at me and would have delegated without a word onto the world's end even, if I would have gone there.
  Following my father's death Monthsante the management of a realm onto me, than rushed upon one single worthy heir.

  The rest of the boys as old as me swam his little wooden games in the wet tub only yet, when I directed the mercantile fleet enmeshing the half world alone already not too with a little success. I admit it I did not have a too heavy thing, the best one dared from teachers between them my father, I may have learned the most noble knacks of the trade.
  The only man, who stood me by even after my father's death likewise always, the things turned anywhere it the Emily was my more aged sister with ten years at me.

  While the rest of our siblings got married and started a family, I means the family to her. Turned into one like that for me as if I would have had the mother lost at the time of my birth. Everything favored with full shoulder width stood there behind my decision from anything there was a word. Stood by me and protected, if the need required it so. We were mentioned as the tea baron in England. What there was because of that, because we transported tea and special spices from India into England mostly, then from there the then splendid of the industry back up.

  This was my life I would not have been able to imagine that this may develop differently yet then.
  He was formed differently after all!

  My 20. Birthday Emily organized an enormous party. Knew it very well how much I like the balls like this. These the business relationships, his development meant it to me not, though the time of the feast. This was the first occasion that Indian dignities were represented in a beautiful number on the event. They rewarded the importance of my activity with this quasi.

  I spent the whole social evening with one of the splendid princesses of the "upper karst" instead of it that the I would have found my time for usual courtesy getting acquainted another time.
  The princess received my approach much more willingly than it from a lady in a rank like this elvpervading could have been, although I may not have known it yet then for what so obliging with me the princess.
  The rest of the Indian women were totally untouchable for all men quasi, not only for a stranger like that than I rated it as the kind here. But himself singled me out and easily enmeshed. I may not have understood yet then why.
Significantly, fewer experiences were at my disposal in those days on the space of the human contacts, than with a nautical fleet's successful management. The girl screwed that of your tear hers fingers round it.
  Called my attention to it attentively when Emily noticed the romance stirring between us, that the princess in ancestry, neither does not suit me in a rank though. I did not listen to hers after all though, unfortunately.

  More that I courted her until years relatively patiently when I decided on an end I proposed to her.

  The girl said a yes promptly of course, her relatives, since it was my property richly and for them this counted a lot, you are me at least in those day so I believed it.

  The girl and her strange relatives insisted on the Indian wedding. The ceremony the girl's family arranged it truly to the traditions. All of the celebration more than lasted until a week. I hated all of his moments the too panted for a ceremony, but I would have been able to stand this many trials two times in the interest of the final result.
  Emily never forgave me and for Nadira did not want to make friends with the beautiful princess. After I married the princess, Emily sulked as an offended child with me, to the girl, to sound though neither was willing. I may not have known that the luminous unearthly splendor of Nadira blinded only was his truth and yet then.

 First common night had a surprising turn in store for me however after our wedding. I waited for this evening with full mixed excitement with a fear. Not the corporeality frightened, because I was occupied with a woman by that time already, since the England ladies living here amused it with pleasure in their husband's absence the to me similar rich, youngsters of rank, but with a lot rather the princess's exotic charm dumped prisoner.
When we may have stayed in two one finally the girl sat onto the edge of a huge bed placed on the middle of my bedroom.

  When we may have stayed in two one finally the girl sat onto the edge of a huge bed placed on the middle of my bedroom. Showed on her, does not know that he would like to say some very important thing to me yet only, how could begin it. Gathered herself, big air up only after all finally had bought and set about her message.
- Something important you need him to say. - started it  - a best it, would have been if I tell all this to you before it, before wife asked for.
- Don't be afraid! - I was sitting not suspecting, what kind of heavy secrets preserves alone the girl, and consoling I took his hands. Hers thin fingers were ice cold weirdly despite the constant heat. I may not have known it yet then with a what kind of effect this will be the secret onto my life. -  Let anything be the big one your secret, I promise it, I will understand it and I never condemn you for him! Your secret will be eternal in full safety at me onto a life.

-         My family preserves a heavy secret since long centuries.  - Continued looking me in the eyes deeply. - Your kind not too knows mine. There is not a suitable word presumably in your language what I am!

-         What's wrong with you? - I asked surprised, but one which cannot be measured after all curiously the worried girl.

-         Trouble? I would not call this trouble, but with a lot rather for the luxurious gift of the fate, which it is necessary to appreciate duly - the girl smiled at me. - And I would like to share this wonderful gift with you now. We may be together without an illness and age through an eternal life really then after all this then our love, my darling may fling us into altitudes like that, that human mind to imagine neither could know!

-         My love I trust you! - I answered the plucking for a girl naively. - my life is equal to you with the endless happiness.

-          The endless happiness that I will give to you today, in truth onto an eternal life sounds. - the girl looked at me sincerely. And this was so.

-          It means the endless happiness to me if I may live my life beside you. Let it be a day or an eternity - I said it smoothed down as a unsuspecting man the girl on the black hair of pearl. - For me not somebody else exists you, you are the senses of my life only!

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